Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Former Dictator Sues Call of Duty Game Maker for Using Manuel Noriega Character



LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is joining a video game company's legal fight against disgraced Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, who is suing Activision over his inclusion in one of its popular "Call of Duty" games.

Activision Blizzard Inc. announced Monday that Giuliani and his firm will ask a Los Angeles judge to dismiss Noriega's lawsuit, which claims his likeness was used without permission in 2012's"Call of Duty: Black Ops II."

Activision vs. Noriega

With Money and lawsuits

Giuiliani told The Associated Press he took the case because he doesn't want the imprisoned Noriega to profit from his crimes, which include convictions for murder, drug trafficking and money laundering. Also, Giuiliani said that if the lawsuit is upheld, it could give historical figures and their heirs veto power over their depiction in books, television, movies and video games.

Noriega sued Activision in July, claiming the company depicted him as a "kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state."

The lawsuit contends Noriega's inclusion in the game increased Activision's profits from "Black Ops II." The game earned more than $1 billion in sales within 15 days of its release. Noreiga's attorney William T. Gibbs declined to comment on Giuliani's statements.

Giuliani’s Involvement

In addition to leading New York City's government for two terms - including during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks - Giuliani is a former U.S. attorney and ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008. In private practice, Giuliani worked as a First Amendment lawyer, representing major news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and the financial magazine Barron's.

Activision said in a release announcing Giuliani's involvement in the case that the company plans to argue the game's depiction of Noriega is covered by free speech provisions.


Who Else Has Been In The Game?

The company noted its games have featured historical figures such as President John F. Kennedy and Fidel Castro.

The story line for "Black Ops II" involved the waning years of the Cold War in the 1980s, with Noriega aiding the game's key villain. The ex-dictator appears in less than 1 percent of the game and was not featured in any of its marketing, Giuliani said.

In real life, Noriega was toppled in 1989 by a U.S. invasion and served a 17-year drug trafficking sentence in the United States. He later was convicted in France of money laundering, and that country repatriated him to Panama in December 2011. Noriega, 80, is serving a 60-year sentence for murder, embezzlement and corruption.


Activision has faced lawsuits before over its use of well-known people in its video games. The band No Doubt sued the game maker after learning their digital avatars in "Band Hero" could be used to perform other artists' music. The band settled the case before trial, and terms were never disclosed.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Persusive Essay

The IPhone 6, Big Hype, Little Comparison.

Apple has come out with the new IPhone 6, and the other option which is the IPhone 6 plus. With these releases I am not impressed. I myself decided to go to the store to see the phones in view and see how much bigger they are.

Taking the comparison from my old IPhone 5, the size of the smaller IPhone which is the IPhon6 is now 4.7 inches, whereas the IPhone 5 is 4 inches flat. The IPhone 6 Plus is now a whopping 5.5 inches which to me is too big for a personal phone. That is like we are going to be holding an iPad in our hand that can make calls rather than something that is small and portable.

Besides the pure oversized iPhone 6 and 6 plus the graphics and the Ipay on the phone are nothing new. Ever hear of the Nexus 4? This phone was released in 2012 and has the same resolution as the new IPhones. Nexus 4 has 760p resolution and the IPhones have 750p, which is actually 10p less than Nexus.

Also the NFC payments which Apple likes to call IPay was actually another released feature on the Nexus 4. I look at this as a step back for Apple. The phone may be thinner and sleek but, the features are not up to what they should be. I personally am disappointed with this.

Apple is the company known as the Mac designers, the IPad, IPhone, and IPod technicians. Also known for ILife, OSX, and LTE. Apple is known as a big company who releases things yearly with a big event for their releases.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

IPhone 6 Press Release

The Biggest, Fastest, IPhone to Date. The IPhone 6 Plus.

Cupertino, California, September 9, 2014 – Announced today is the largest IPhone released to date. With a seamless 5.5 inch Retina HD display screen, and an all-around aluminum body. This phone contains more than three times the amount of pixels on screen than the IPhone 5s. Which means it has 88 percent more viewing with 1920 x 1080 resolution.
The new IPhone comes with the best processor on the market, the Apple A8 chip with 64-bit desktop –class architecture. This chip makes internet connections faster, downloads faster, and it makes it easier for your phone to use the LTE network when no network is available. The biggest advancement is the new development of Apple Pay. Replace the wallet with your cards on your phone with a swipe of your finger.
With the next advancement on the phone being the new stunning features for the video camera. This includes high definition video with slo-mo, as well as the added auto focus and stabilization.
Apple is known as the designers of Macs, IPhones, and anything that is your personal little computer. Adding the OS X, ICloud, LTE, and professional software. Apple is high in their class and makes new technology yearly. Containing the ITunes store for easy access to Apps, Music, and movies this brings it all together with the IPhones, IPads, and IPods. Apple brings new things to us daily to bring the next best thing on the market.

 Press Contact:

CONTACT: Nat Kerris
Company Name: Apple
Voice Phone Number: (408) 974-2042
Email Address: nat@apple.com
Website URL: http://www.apple.com/